Modafinil Tablet Long Term Safe Use Recommendations

Modafinil is an FDA-approved wakefulness-promoting agent originally developed to treat excessive sleepiness associated with narcolepsy. It also shows promise for off-label uses in psychiatry, including treatment-resistant depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

A number of studies have found that Modafinil improves performance on cognitive tasks, especially when subjects are not sleep deprived. These effects seem to be mediated by central neurotransmitter systems.


In humans, Buy Modafinil Online restores and improves wakefulness and daytime alertness in a dose-related manner. However, the onset and worsening of aggressive or hostile behaviour has been reported in association with Modafinil therapy. Patients should be monitored closely for the occurrence of this side effect. Modafinil should be discontinued if this occurs.

Modafinil should not be used in children unless the benefit is clearly outweighed by the risk. Rare cases of serious and sometimes fatal skin reactions (including Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, and Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms [DRESS]) have been reported in children taking Modafinil. Modafinil is not recommended in patients with cardiovascular disease, particularly coronary artery disease or history of myocardial infarction.

This medication may decrease the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives (birth control pills, patches, rings, implants, or injections) especially in women with a history of thromboembolic disorders. If you are using hormonal contraception, use an alternative method of birth control while taking this medication and for 1 month afterward. Talk to your doctor before breastfeeding.

Consult the doctor and pharmacist about all the drugs you are taking, including non-prescription and herbal products. Do not drink large amounts of alcohol or take marijuana (cannabis) while taking this medication because it can increase the chances of dizziness and a fast heart rate.


Several trials indicate that Modafinil may increase cognitive performance in sleep-deprived individuals. This effect appears to be primarily due to its stimulant action on central neurotransmitter systems. Modalert Tablet also improves certain aspects of cognition in non-sleep-deprived subjects.

This improvement appears to be related to effects of Modalert 200mg Australia on prefrontal cortex function. For example, one study of adults with 85 h of sleep deprivation found single doses of 400 mg of Modafinil reduced errors on the Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST) and improved scores on the Stroop Interference Task, comparable to placebo and 600 mg of caffeine with respect to these measures.

Modafinil should be used with caution in patients with a history of psychiatric disorders, especially psychosis and mania. If these effects occur, discontinuation of Modafinil should be considered.

Use only the prescribed dosage. Modafinil is not a substitute for adequate sleep, and it should be taken along with other treatments that your doctor recommends to manage your condition, such as good sleeping habits and use of breathing devices in patients with OSAHS.


Modafinil exhibits a markedly different profile of central neurotransmitter effects than amphetamine, having only modest binding to the DA transporter (DAT) in rodent brain preparations and no apparent specific binding to a wide range of monoamine and neuropeptide receptors or transporters, nerve membrane ion channels or second messenger systems.

As a result, its central stimulant effects are quite distinct from those of amphetamines, and it has been demonstrated to exhibit significantly less of the adverse behavioural events associated with abuse of amphetamines, such as psychotic behaviour, hallucinations, irritability and verbal aggression (Besset et al, 1996; Hirshkowitz et al, 2006).

A large, double-blind placebo-controlled trial of emergency department physicians after overnight work shifts found that single dose Modafinil 200 mg increased accuracy and vigilance and decreased the rate of automobile accidents during the post work commute compared to placebo (Czeisler et al, 2000).

Modafinil undergoes extensive hepatic metabolism, with 80% of the administered dose excreted in the urine as metabolites within 15 hours. Because of this hepatic metabolism, caution is recommended in patients with severe renal or hepatic impairment and dose reduction may be warranted.

Serum concentrations of Modafinil are reduced by drugs that induce CYP3A4 metabolism, such as revamping and phenytoin, and increased by drugs that inhibit CYP3A4, such as clarithromycin, intraconazole, St. John’s worth and efavirenz. Modafinil may also reduce the effectiveness of estrogenic-containing oral contraceptive pills, so women of childbearing potential should use an alternative method of contraception during and one month after treatment with this drug.

Side Effects

Modafinil increases wakefulness in a variety of species, including man, and has been shown to improve performance on cognitive tests without the negative effects associated with many stimulants (such as high blood pressure or heart problems). It works by blocking nerve cells from reabsorbing dopamine after it is released into synapses. Like other stimulants, it can cause euphoria and changes in thinking and mood. However, it is not a powerful psychoactive drug, and the abuse potential of Modafinil has been found to be low.

In one randomized placebo-controlled trial, Modafinil improved performance on tasks that require sustained attention, learning and planning, but not arithmetic or spatial planning. In another, it improved digit span and delayed matching, but not perceptual speed-accuracy trade-off. It also appears to enhance cognitive function in healthy adults who are not sleep-deprived, though this research is less conclusive.

It should be used with caution in patients with hepatic or renal impairment, and physicians should re-evaluate its long-term use if a patient develops new or worsening psychiatric symptoms. It may increase the risk of psychosis in individuals with a history of such disorders and should be avoided in those with major anxiety, bipolar disorder or depression.

It interacts with some medications, especially clozapine, diuretics and phenothiazine’s. It can reduce the effectiveness of hormonal birth control pills, so women should use a different method of contraception while taking it and for 1 month afterward. It can also cause rashes, so those with skin allergies should avoid it.